Monday, April 26, 2010

Updates and Training Reflection

May 13th, Sushi Ichiban. 7:30 pm. Todd's farewell dinner.

Hope to see you there.

Tonight was the last Monday night training. Sayonara. Ogenki de...

For May and June we are now Thursday nights and Saturday mornings.

July and August training day and time is now established: Thursdays from 6- 9 pm. Keith and Nathan will take care of things for July while I'm away.

No other training days for those months except our Summer Seminar.

Finished a seven session course on Jodo with kids from the Waldorf school. One of them wrote about how Jodo made her think differently.

Her thought elicited my own recurring thought and I'm grateful that being engaged by other people brings about our own memories of significance.

My thought was this: training always humbles me. It humbles me because no one kata is ever performed identically the same, nor is it ever perfectly

executed. There is always an infinite combination of kata performances and an infinite amount of finite imperfection in training which reminds me

of our existence. I find great humility and joy in this: something about the striving in and of itself as the goal. To simply strive, and whyle away in this

striving, without seeking completion. Actually, seeking completion in savouring striving. Being content with the ongoing yet finite nature of being

human, as it is expressed in the unfettered and silent (sometimes) environment of training. I told Nathan and Keith tonight that as long as the rent gets

paid I will always be happy to show up for training.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Todd's farewell dinner

Todd is heading west (yes, further west than this, and south)!

Todd will be taking a new working position in California.

Thursday,May 13th will be a shortened class so we can head to our favourite local (Ichiban Sushi) and
thank him for his time with us and wish him well on his new life adventure!

Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Volunteer night

Thanks to Sohail, Arjun, Mai, Nathan and Todd for a great night of volunteering at the Calgary Interfaith Foodbank last Tuesday night. It's always a win win situation being there: best a warrior could ask for!

Two more volunteer nights left: Second Tuesday of May and June.


New training times!

For May and June

Thursdays: 6 - 9 pm
Saturdays: 8 - 11 am